Thursday, March 17, 2011

Local Social Workers Prepared to Help Victims of Devastating Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

In the aftermath of the tragic events in Japan earthquake followed by the deadly tsunami, it is difficult to find the words that express my profound sadness. We all struggle to find ways of responding to this horrific event. However, there is something that social workers can do. The NASW Foundation’s Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund has been established to ‘help social workers help others’. Our colleagues in the Japanese professional social work association are uniquely suited to assess the needs of disaster victims in a culturally competent manner and to provide leadership in promoting effective disaster relief and recovery efforts. Your financial contributions are appreciated. 100% of donations received go directly to those who have suffered loss and are in need of financial or other assistance due to a disaster.

When a disaster strikes, social workers may be personally affected and need help themselves.  They lose their homes, their jobs, and their businesses (including private practices).  Some have even lost loved ones.  Your donation will help them re-establish their lives, so they can continue to help others.

The Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund enables the NASW Foundation to fulfill a key component of its mission statement:  to assist with rapid response in social crises.
Social workers have always been at the forefront of helping others.  Please make a contribution to the Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund today!

In addition, NASW-MA has contacted the Japanese Consulate to notify them of our Social Work Therapy Referral Service (SWTRS).  The Massachusetts Chapter SWTRS team has nearly 300 Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers (LICSW) ready to assist family members and friends of those impacted by this horrible disaster. Our thoughts are with those affected by this monstrous devastation.

Carol J. Trust

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