like the Massachusetts Legislature did it again, passing the first State health
and payment reform legislation, following the Federal Health Reform Law that
the Supreme Court ruled favorably on. The Chapter’s Government Relations staff
person, Rebekah Gewirtz, has completed this initial analysis of the law in
relation to its potential impact on social work practice. Here are some of the
- Accountable
Care Organizations (ACOs) Must Integrate or Contract Out for Behavioral Health Services
Basically this means that mental health, substance use disorders and behavioral health services must be part of all health care plans and policies. This requirement institutionalizes the social work principle that all aspects of individuals and families lives (work, school, neighborhoods, relatives etc.) must be attended to in keeping families and individuals healthy. - Behavioral
Health Providers Can Appeal If They are Removed from an ACO
This adds a degree of protection for mental health providers. - $30
Million in Federal Grants Will Be Available to Behavioral Health Providers to
Move to Electronic Medical Records
Converting from paper records to electronic records is a costly transition. Now financial help will be available to social work clinician. - Creates
a 19 Member Healthcare Workforce Council of which One Member shall be a
Behavioral, Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Professional
This council will oversee a loan repayment program to which social workers will have access under certain criteria. - Requires
Utilization Review Criteria to be Available to Providers and Patients
These criteria must be evidenced based. - Creates a 19 Member Behavioral Health Special Taskforce of which NASW-MA Chapter is Specified as a Member
is a partial list of the elements in the new Payment Reform Law. Of special
note is the inclusion of a tuition repayment program (traditionally called
‘loan forgiveness’, but more accurately now termed ‘repayment’). NASW has been
lobbying for a loan forgiveness program for social workers and now the new
Legislation includes a similar provision to assist social workers working in
certain ‘underserved’ areas to be eligible for this assistance. This is a huge
Workers, be proud. The MA Chapter was heavily involved, with our mental health
colleagues, in the crafting of these positions. We thank our members for their
continued vigilance to the issues.